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Full text of "A very proper treatise wherein is breefely set forth the art of limming, : which teacheth the order in drawing and tracing of letters, vinets, flowers, armes, and imagery : and the maner how to make sondrye syses or groundes to lay siluer or gold vpon, and how siluer or gold shall be layed or limmed vpon the sise, and the waye to temper gold and siluer and other mettals and diuerse kindes of colours to write or to limme withall vpon velym, parchment or paper ..."

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eA very proper oie. wherein ts 

breefely fet forth the art of ‘Limming; tvhich 

teacheth the order in drawing and tracing of letters, Vi- _ 

nets, Flowers, Arines and Iuacery,and- themaner how 
ta make fondzpe {ples 02 groundes to Lap filuer 02 gold vp- 
on, € how fluer oz gold hall be layed 02 Limuien spon che 

‘file, and thetwap to temper gold and filuer and other met: 

tais anv dinerfe kinves of colours, to Write o2 Co limme 
withall bpor Gelpnt,Parchme ne o2 Waper, any howe ta 

lap thent bpowthe worke which thou entenveft tomake, 

andhol ta vernith ft when thou halt pone, with diuerle 

other chings verp nteete and neceflarie to be knowne to all’ 

- fuch Gentlemen, eother perfons as do delight in Lim- 
Ming, paynciug oz intricking of armtes,inthets 
colours, anv therefore a worke berpe 
 Raeete to be adiopned ta the 
bookes of Aruges, 

torn at onde hy Thee 

: amas Purfoot. 
i sh : s: 

se ae ty 
agwonl : 

HOE og Th th c 
ii cg | ee: cha. pelt of: i. 

mys Coan Malscalad Melton. co isl latipes | 
Bape Joie cae VMN OS Hig Zaring 08 waliberih As ig 
+ Sethe ag Abothane ¢ aT, ‘tumnled to eotpad ahieekd Traminae 2 
at agen ts | bite dads es ie why Pe ae - 
Wg phatatgd sae nga) danas soe gl nia dE 
| Siagie iss tod ed xediaradatad Piers Lge wag aie. ge 
Biba: oe capil wen ey Ree te | 
Hi pies os eoemlaees gumbo |. 
BH Led Be 2A Rania. sat atta ey ae 
oi sucaashswlgttat w ogelsvagy aan: oh 


7 eatats: De eich pees esa 

ee ae ee 






_ TheartofLimming, gvandd 
~ The order of drawing ortracing, 

he bere thou halt with apenfill of black Lead, 02 with 
vacoale mane Harp at the poyne,trace al chp lecters, 
and {et chp Ciinets o2 flowers, anvtgenthp imagery 
if chou wilt make any. Anochen thale chou with a 
finall pen Draw all thot oe poutreds ait inake thy {ple 
‘onthis Wes coin gious. 

q To make’ 4 double fyfe! or bottome to cea or fettle filuer 
Ie! sor golde npon;called an cmbofied pround, 

7 Ake Denis Cereule, white lead, theplaiter ofanolve 

> tinage og chalke,any of hele made infine pouder, and 
then grounde withthe glapre of anegge and.alittle wa- 
_terona pavuters tone maketh agood bottome to Tay bus 
per filuer, But when pou thall vle any of them to Lape su- 
“per olde, | Doe toit a little Saffron ther with to make ic 
fomewhat pealow, but beware peiput not toomuche wa- 
ter thereto,fo2 then wil tebe over weake, and tf you do-o- 
“uctmuch glapre te tt, then wiltitbe ouer fife, therefore 
‘mingle it after difcretion, ain looke chp {ple be thick ffan- 

; ding and fetchp fle thus tempered and couered ia hon 

(02 a thell infome fellerng havowen place , 02 buder. the 

“Leatth where it map Eanv mopf by che fpace of vit; Dapes, 

pneilirbe perfite clammy, androtten, andeuery day once 
‘Rirteit about, t pou halwell pnverfand shat all the files 
the elder chep bee. the mogerclammy, rotten they be, che 
better chey be, foz al the craft is in well making andtem: - 
pring ofthe file,andiif cheve and anpe belles vppon the 
fife, put in eare ware,fopitiis. aremeny therefore, anv be- 
foze pou Lap it on pour wozke, firtt lap the {ple on afcrow, 

ann diaabic whent it fs Daye, bendit,and ifi¢ bend, and 

G2 byeake 

A - & 

é is The art of Lymming. : 
Dpeake not,then it is good and perfect,and if tt breake put 
therio alittle water tomake t¢ weaker, and prouc if it cle: 

ueth Fatt co the booke, and tfit bo not,chen put glaprether= 

_ to,ann make ttimdpettentat. Che like fpfemaypoumake : 

with Gppium, bople Acmontake, red o2 pelow Dker orpt- 
Incnt 02 Wallicot with brown of Spayino2 with revicad, 
ifeuerp of theur be ground bp Gimfelfe and tempered, and 
prdzedinmanter and fourmie aboue Written, 

To makeathinf fe cr bottome to laye or fettle filuer or 
_ gold vpon,calleda fingle ground, » 

T Ake P new Hheevs of glouers leather, of ofnew parch- 
ntent, for that is bett, ¢ leeth chem in fatve water from 
aquart te a pinte that the liquor bee fomewhatthicke and 
claniny betweenpour fingers,then fratne the liquoz front 
the hrevg.any put i being bote in fome tone veffell, anv 
fo wozke it forth beforeit be cole, and when pou laye on 
pour flier 02 cold, fee that pour {ile be neither coo mopf, 
No? too Diy ,butin ameane betiveene both, fo2 dean of ap: 
papring pour wogke, Che like (ole may pou make (with- 
otit heating therm at the fier ot clue water made ofparch- 
ment glue for chat is bet, 02 with water guimnten fomes 
whatthick with gun avabec 02 of cocd old qlait,o2 withp 
milkeof greene figges alone, 02 with the milkeoffpourg 
- op.oftwartweene, 02 with che pclow milke of greenefaten« 
dine,or with the tupce of maritke, 02 of onyon Heads, 02 
with the water andareace of {natles, pon euery of thee 
may pou lap pour leaucs of {lucy 02 golve hauing reqarD 
that pour cround be nepther too moplt,ne2 too Dry , wher. 
pou halt lap op fettle chefamecherebpon. 

qTolay a double fyfe onletters,or ypon 
| - other thinges, . 

| “Dou 


| Theart of Limming. ee" 
7Duthall with apeuitl made of grap anys, op eallive 
tatles lap on chp {pie fomewhat iubitanciallp,o2 tf thou 
wilt fir chinne.and after thicker, and then nate tte when 
it is Dppemeciclightlyp with chy {pitcle, and chen thaue tt 
with a tharp knife, ontill it be enen without hils,¢ tf chere 
fall any detault therein, 02 elfe there ismozein one place 
then in another, lap agapne thy {ple ontt, and op it ¢ 
ingrofle it as ts Capp before,e When tt ts ingroflrng made 
plain, then burnih it with the cooth of a calfe,of anore,o2 
ofan hozle thatis made therefore Tanding ina crooken 
Hick, and when it is burnithed and mrade cuen and Mhining 
then iste reabp tolap onit chy colo 02 thy ftluer. 

Phage To lay gold of filuerion fyfe, 

FE Fri cut the leauesof golvo2 Diluer in peeces witha 

tharpe kuife,opa knife made of agreate reede bppon a 
little bord a3 beoadas a trencher couered with acatues 
fhin vapfed o2 vnderkuffen with wooll o2 flore np elfe on- 
fuffen,then thale thou with a penfiliweat lightlpeon thp 
imouth weat thy {ple,foit be alittte mopt; annthenweat 
thy penfll agapne inthe mouth on che fame wife, ane 
touche thy golooz Rluer that thou haf cutte by acogner 
- Uightlpe , and lape icon thy fple. befoge mane. a little, 
mopf, and thenthou fhalttake the tapleof an bare, , ofa: 
konuep, o2 a peeceof cotten,¢ lightly prefic itpown ou thy 
fple, & when chou batt thus pone, let it dap butillit be well 
dzyen, then burntfh it :fo2 ifehou thalte burnithe it weate 
thouthale ritbbe of all, and when itis well nppen , rake 
the tulke chat thou deci burnith with ann ngpit and heat 
it well onthp cheeke, then burnith thp golve firit feftlp, 
and then Harder ontilhic thine, fue burnifh it noe ouer 
long’, fo2 neeade of appapring » Ano wien thou, hatte 
well hurnithen it, pair's white woollencioth o2 an 


hares | 

» a 
a . 


' - 

: grieThe dfeofiititaing, 

haves foote, anbrubbe all away, faueit which cleaucth ta 

the file, ¢ ifther boanp place faultiz, forhat the gotufaite 
for Dypnefie ofthe file, then weat it agapne andlapon the 
golde, and pei Sa Suse pA Gee pou Divbetaye. ; 
ie aig re Rates G1 
(Teteaeleigs warreotempercolout widhal 


Tare eleane water, € do itin a efiel € put thereto a nays 3 
ton of guiineArabec ¢ ict tt Land pneill che qua be 
wel billoluedjany moltenin che water, buttooke tebe not 
cutee thickofiqunry, fox thentoiseuitl to wortic with, anv 
if it be tonthinof gum; chew wiltithe colour faye ann fall 
of,thevfoze keepe a meane € cemper thy colours therwith, 
fuch as te feruech fo2 bett. ote che bet quinme ts cleare 
and byttele chat in Aanrping tc, iobecomuiety paver cafe 
lp bl a cleauing Fogetbers ; 
6 jut py Set t 4 Ak 4 OF4 Soy oo 

“To make glayreforthe ikepurpotey at a 

TH ie bite of newe Jappe egges as manye as. yott 

chinke geod, anvirapnz chem though atinnen cloth 
to take otethe cocke treabinges 5 chet put them inadith 
ann wring chet through a {pong oz a white wooilenclorh 
yntill hey be asthin as water, then wath the fpouge o2 
cloth, anddzye it, And.puc the glaire to thule aforcfapnin 
aftone pot,oyagtaile fat foppen,¢ {pend it as foone as pe 
cant) fo2 it will not keepe aboue thece Dapes , but tt will 
jane att errr 3 ercept they beognyen ag pias 

ate re) uke wihias of egges as long. as ye will, chou 

emt se Pata rotheny,i 1)! %/ 
, ay we f <i 43 Soi * H He ka ¥¥ 13 a? * 
18 eat the snbites of enwes 3 + idl kona thettt in anp 
wife , Gut cake out the cocktveaning }: antpucts thentas 
ore of the bet maar as tall Luffple che _ 

* 4 en. ; aA , 
axe, rol dey tans ‘Lymmiog. # 4 
tie af the whites,leauing it fo thetpaccdftwovapes, then 
patle it throuch fome tinvien cloth Without breaking o2 
beating eco ee eggs emg toe (pace of 
viii, Days then fraphet agapne; and put it ina dial well 
Hopped, tooccupie og the purpotes abboue'wpiteen, Ry 

¢Totemper gc 
| <a pénorpaynewithapenfill 

tO SRM AIRIC lide £6 FINE OM od? GIs Pat un 

T Ske fiue 02 fire leaues of beaten golve of fuer’, and Gold & Aiyem 
grynd them well and fnelpon a paynters fone with a 

little hony,then put fe into a qlafle with a quantiep of faire 

water,¢ letin Land one night, then Dane the water and 

colde or filuer wherwith you may write with 


. the bony afterward fromthe golve, eput to the gold quar 

water, an jen toate with tan tobe ei gpe, buenidh 

it with an ore tooth, Ato if pe grind pour Ieaues of oly 

with alayze only without hony patting tott ', pou mape 

wel Write therwith in adding cott alitele murine water, 

and With pour goloe temperedin manner abouefapdepou 

map Diaper With alimall pen op penfill bpon colours, Fe Diaper, 
pou wil buy at the Poticaries thel ¢b{dor thel fiiuer, with Shell gold and 
ibe ied Coen iipered with gunme water) pou map “A Slvere a 
_ “Serp well wpiee wieha pen, mp papne withapenfll. YN 
S2hUU Bi; Co eS Aaa OL suo is? Tir 3 age 

di ether so vonig srr ae a Bitte a car 
Tid s piu ak ftone with clean Bee nm 
Caries abroan i ot Gels bia orators 
when it hath fand a while althedyees witl Aecte abote;, 

and all the cleane colpurewill fallte the bottome , then 
poute out the water with the viewed) e put che azure in 

cleane water agapne,Chen fucre the colour andthe was 

rg ice an rie, ca pate ee Sane 
Ree fap tes typ Hog erste 

t ‘v3 10) KP ely ha 1 B 7S Bri: ih hd 

sagt Be ei 



 Teap op Cereufe t 

Browne blie. 

Bie co} our. 

riled? data 
x ~ 


S Pt * "— _ a 
# : Sheard iniraittgs 

with to inaltiplic tt totheir protice, but this potr: ile 
to clavific ite che fir kind i ncen be,then hal pou grind 
ifagayn vpon apaintces onc wicy quituted water, then 
pilic tC into a homne cra Gell, ano when pou will weice oz 
patat, shew Girre it witha tieke,: mn let the dick vpoppe 
it the pei, fox this vermilion, € this colour will fali to 
the botcoine, ana finke as leabe.. 
ibis tale colowr,two parts azure,and one of Cereule,e 
Fadscd mech the fame ait % with black ai 0} with 

io) TUNER L 

| How to make azureand Byze fadder if they be of 

_. alightcolour, 

Cake good blue Turnetoll,auv weatit in grurt water, 
and then. wing it, and with that water cemper the azure, 
oz Gyse,o2 elle if chau wilt chou maph with apentit ozats 
with typ turnefoll ouer the bpse didi B mye whether 

tt bes seine apatite sft 

th temper Tndebaudias, oi 

ARynve Indebaudias om apaynters fone, with guinme 
water, and put itin a hellta worke withall. fie 
Dis falle coloys, Snoperts Sane § the third part white 
added With the fame FJnve o2 with fav 
Juke, Indebaudias of i¢ {elfe maketh a varke ¢ fap black, 
but being ground with white lean op Cercule as is ac 
fayd, it suai a boone blue, 

,, Toxempert fmaltorBlorey, 

as foie Being teingeren in 1a thet with gure 
sa pie blue ., but not fo perfecte a ature 

Poticaries doc put to it 
sre koma cote 

: a The siaMboming? ¥ 

fite,chereforein chuling of it, take that whichis hrightof 
colour, andnot barih, but foft between the fingers. 

Totemper Orpementor Mafticot for 
* ayealowe. 

Rynd Oppiment and Watticot ech byit felfeon apain: A gold yellow’ — 

ters fone with Gunmme water, anvin grinding add to for armess. 
the Watticot alittle Saffron,¢ the colour will be the liue- 
Iperzand when hep be well ground, put chem (euerallp in 
fhelles to worke withall, 
Dopiment may be claven with chalke,and dimmed that ~~ 
is tolap, fader, 02 darken with Oker de Luke, o7 with 

- Browne of payne, 

‘Totemper Virmilion, 

Rynd Cermilionon a painters Tone, fil npye, € them 4 vermition 
af Dotherto a little glarze of ems, t grind it againe,wntill red for 
the binbinefle be fo2 done, with alicle ofthe pelke, andirt armes. 
it Tand a day o2 moze, wniilit be wel Gued.And when thou 

poet wopke therewith firre towelltogether, aun tit be 

thicke as ipnie,ug alitcle watertherco, aud tite Hall hane 
an (lf faucur,then put into tt thace chines of Safran, and 
it wilitake away che enili fene. a 
— is falfe colour tivo parts of ermilfon, and the thirs 
port Cerius and mingle chenvtogether, tt thou wilt, with 
the fame vermilion, 

To temper Turnfoll, | 

Jp E at pour Tourntoll once op twilein goon thingtecte, pynep, 
andleritipe chevein oncill ithe well teepeo. Then 
wring it inte adith, ontill che colour be goon and fadne, 
WHith this pou may flourithe venne leccers 5: 02 agi 
ms) oe nD 

Rofet colour. 


Blood colour. 

aed leade, 

+e + ea eh 1 heh ee 
3 ~ y ° 

*” ‘oS 

‘The arcoffEimming, 

‘ Ana this colour hall be enewea (chat iste faye)varken 5 

{append with black pnke, #3 
is falle colour two parts Turnefalt, and one of Ceris 
ug, and tt halbe lapped withthe fame Cucneloli, 

To temper good Rofet, 

Cake che finelt ehek colored Rofet, and arind it wits 
quit water on a painters one, andlo wooke it forth,chis 
colour ntay be elaped with chalke 02 Cerius, and fannen 
with himlelfe, 


To temper brefill wherwithto write, florith,or rule books. 

Cake bz alitl finely {craped.o2 grofly beaten ta pouder, 
€ put therte the claire of anegge, o2 cum water,¢ alittle 
alium made tn pouder,t iet them fteepe anight € apap: € 
then Traine out pliquoz, € keepe it to the vle afozeli ay, 

To temper good Synapour, 
Grind Spnapour lake,and fpnapour topes ech by his 

felfe on a painters fone with qoodglatre,Chenputcthem — 
infeuerall thelies,¢ woke thent foorth,and tfthepbeetoo — 

light. put to thenta little Curnefoll, 

iis falle colour fpnapour, € athird of Ceriug, 
ann lap it onthp vinets, and when it ts bape, fadde it with 
goon Dynapour,and diaper ouer tt with white Certus, 

Totemperredde Lead, 

Grind revicade wel wich gun water, ¢ then put it it & 
fhell: ¢ when pe wopzke with it, fir it as pe do vermilton, 
Df chis pou Hall make no falle colour,but of bimlelte,¢ 
fad i¢ its Synapout,o2 with rood beowwne of wate’ 

. BP | ee eee ee 
Fes + RG ; it Mee 
a aed TheartofLimming, oe Ce 
with light blacke,oz withGermilion, — | 
Totemperblacklead, 9 ~ 

Grinv well black teav wich guame. water on a pay: a 
ters Kone, and chen put it in a thell to wozke withallsthis 
‘ts aperfect crane colour of it Celfe, 

To temper browneofSpayne, 

Grind good browne with quae water on a painters ) 
_ Kone, and when it ts berie well ground put it into a fell, Browne color. 
Dis falle colour two parts bzotwne, andthe third pare of 
white leas, landed with the fame lad colour of browne. 

To temper Oker de Luke, and Oker de Roufe, 
which make browne colours 

Oker ve luke,and Oker de Route Hall firlE be feucral’ eoo4 cotoursg 
Ip boken ina beaten moter, any after ground ech by hittt: for heare. 
»  felfeon a painters fone with gum water, and mired with 
a littlechalk, and enewede2 fanded with good Dker,o2 
With brown, either of them maketh a good colog for beare 
Of heades,o2 on beardes, / 

Totemper green Byze, 

Cake greene Byre that is foft,any not harth between Greene byze. — 
the fingers, foe iftt be harih,icis mire with fan, which che 
Apoticaries do vfe oftentimes to multiply it to their gain. 
‘And cemper it ina Hell with mum water, eit wil be pers 
fite to wozke withall.Anv when pou write, tir this colour 
a3 pou do Azttve, and wath it,and geile it in foxme afozes 
; oo + a5 pou Do pour Azure, before pou grind it with quant 
ater, c 

ieee, »0 
ss aot ee . 
%6 2 ‘hiner To 
' a 

An alles’ 
green € for 


Light greene: 


A purc white 
for armes. 

ASabce ot 
blacke for 

~¢% T acting, 
tT. Lg 2 

Totemper Vert greace called span gfeene, — 

pie Clerégreace wel cleanfen and picked fro noffe 

Fmales,¢ qring ttonapainters fone fir oye, e put — 

thertova little of the gallofa JQeat,andat the tuyceot 
mith a licele fi affron, and beap allthele together on p Cane 
ffone,ter put it in a hop02 Hel, oueil ic be Dy. And when 

~ pou mill occuppett. rake partchereof and grino ft againe 

with Tineget,o2 Gergis,o2 with the pille of a pong chila, 
 euerp of chenthauing qumime Arabic piffoluct in them. 
Wis falle colour tivo parts, good greene, and che chico of, 

Cerius, and faapes witha good greene, and pam ouee. 
it with Geis Cerius. 

To temper Saffron, * 

5 CTeere faffcon In good glaire anofo wmogke it forth with: 
afimal penfill, and if thou wile,chott maitt eneww it with 

good Clermilion, with Saffron alfo you map enews 02 fis 
rith ouer Ietters,oz any other thing thou wile. 

Totemper Venis Cerius,and whitelead, 
Rind Ceriuser white Lean, ech by hinslelfon a pate 

ters fonc, with cleare water, andtherewith chou hale: 
Diaper and flozith aboue all chp colours witha purfefour, 

mane of afmallpenfill, And this colour is tempered ontp- 

with water, o2 with Water linhtlp challen with qunime, 
fo2 they ana aboue all other colours thar be qumied, 

i To make afidiine black called Sable, 

ten bafen, and hot a burning torch 
he botome be black, anv thew Ora of. 

f Gani: cleane Lati 
onder it, 0 






a Sd Z s  iating ae >; wa ee py 

; <a * 2! * ‘ 

oe th - TheartofLimming, ws 

that blacke, anvtemper it with glapee op with Gummne 
Water, aid lo Worke with tt. 

- 3 : me =, ie “ 
- » To make an excellent black like veluer, 

» g) Dake Martes hone, any burncictacole ot aColiars 4 veluce — 

“ Harth, then make fine pouter chereel, andyrind itow a black, 
painters finne, with che 3Reat, T yen vuticin 
athel to day ina Hadowy place, Gua tujen pou wt!l occu- 
py che fame, grind part thercof againe with che glatre,o2 . 
with cuimime water, and worke it forth, — 

qTo make a blacke colour, or on ynke ofa good perfeti- 
©» on wherewith you may write with a penor penfill, 

T Ake a pound anda halfe of raine water, with 3,ounces Blackcinke.. 
of the waightict qalles pou can get. Boule che te 
final peetes,and poure them in tothe fapve water,anofo. > 
{et it and two dayes. in the funne,thenputtoittwooun: 
cesof areen Coperas, 02 elle of Romain Hitricl, whichis 
heft, wel coloured and beaten finallzand ftir al thefe tone-— 
ther with a Micke of bard wood, and let it Tand again twa 
daies moze tu the {urne, putting to tt one ounce ofgunime 
- Arabtke, that ts cleare and boight, and beaten in poulder, 
-andone ounce ofp peeled of PPomgranads, and then botle 
- all alittle on a flow fire, Chat done, Evaine it, and keepe it 
ina velfell of tead 02 of olaile, and it willbe very black &€ 
perfic coad puke,ana tf pou find it thicke, and that tt be not 
flowing pnough,puc to tt a litle cleare lie, which wil make 
itliquive andethin. A ific bee toocleare, adve to ita litele 
. grumme Srabike, And to haue pour puke to continue long, 
- and not to boatie,puttherin bap fale, 3Rote thatthe galls —~ 
Mutt be (ital cucted, and matfiue within, tf chep be geod. 
+ Che good Uitricl is alwates within, of a colour ipke the 
Clementehe bel guinis ea € battie,thar in Lamping 
D 3. ty a. 




“Oe art of Limming, | 
it beconmrieth pouder,ealilp without clearing coirether, 

Chus is taught che way how ta temper Gold, filuer,e _ 

Colo2z3 co ltit,oz to wette withall yponvelpm parchitent, 
o2 Paper. Chat is tafape Cermilion, Curnefoll, Syp= 
napour anv Saffron, with good glapze, Syle with glaive 

chattifen with a portion of water, Azure, Bypse, greene. 

Byze, red Lean, rofet Smale, black leav, browne Dker, 

 Dapinent, eatticot, and Inde baudtas wich guuiime waz 

fer, bertgreace with bineger,verats, op with the pilleof a 
pong chply, Cerius, and white leade, with cleare water, 
02 With water lichtly cunimed, bralttl, and fume black, 
with glapze, o2 with gure water, wWhick pou think belt 
fez pour purpofe, 

Allo chere ts anocher way which f is bfen amonett the ere » 
cellent fore of painters that ts,to grind and temper all co- 
{ours foz limming (fauing fuch as be white) fir with the 
gallof a 3Reat,echen let themdz2y, € after when you will 
wopk them,take part cherof, € qvind it axain with glare, 
02 with gum water,as p colo2 requirech,« fo wozk it forth, 

— Icis Cato chac water killeth evarknech che brtehenelle of - 

mof Colors that be tempered ther with. Butthis wall pre- 
ferueth the briahtnes, € maketh them more liuelter to bee 
holo: which thing erpertenc wt! ce ach you mare perfectly, 

Mote chat all colozs co lintme op to write withal houla 
Neuer bee tempered with any kinve of aple, for oples ferue 

nioft aptly for cotemper colours to lay bpon one, cimber, 
pron, lead; copper, ¢ {uch like, and oile of Linteen, whith 
iscalled flar{eene, ¢ opleof walnuts are mott vfen. bee 
nok belt of all other ed for the fame purpofe. 

Allo all colours tolintop write withall when thep bee 
tempered, would be put in Helles, in veflels of fone,tead, 

or of glaflc,and kept onder the ground in Lome feller,o2 th 

_fome moptt, anv Hhavalwy place, for npping ouer falks¢ the 
elder they be,p better they be, tf thep be kept coucred front 

filch e oul, Anv note that there ts aveat regarn ta be . 
, ig < rv} 


"The artof Limming, 7 eee 

co the tuell grinding and tempering ofthe colours, ano to 
the placingof them bpon the wozke, sik wd 


The manner how to florith or Diaper witha penfill, 
ouer S#uer or Golde, ter. 

F pou will Diaper ouer Golv,take yelow Oker,¢ ther: 
with paw otter the Gold with a penfiil what chou wilt. 
FF thou wilt diaper bpon filuer, take Cerius with a 
penfiilanpdzatn 02 florith what thou wilt ouer thy filucr. 
FE chou wile diaper with Galve o2 filuer vpon colours, ° 
take che tupce of Garlike, with a penfill daw ouer the co- 
Lours what chou wile, then take andlay che goln vponit, 
and prelle it dotwne lightly with an hares caple,and let i¢ 
Dpy halfe adapop moze, then rub ofthe golo which clea 
ucth not to the garlife. 


The wayes toknowe howetomake fundryekindes 
of colours by tempering and mingling — erie e oe tts 
_ Ofcolourstogeather, Ps | 
ot ag ees ee 
/ F pou will temper Azure with Curnefoll, and qrimpe Purpleor 
chem tomether on a painters fone witheunt water 8p HO! + 
. glapze, pou thall make thereof a perfect Purple? a ae <e 
~ fet colour. Ano the like colour pou map make with cor © "Sli 
red Rofet. if it be minglen with Asure,andrempered with 
gum water in manner aforefapp, pee. 

TE chou wilt puc to a goon quantity of Spnapour ali: Sanguine or 
~ dle portion of blaca, and grind themrtogether with glaire, 

pou Hall wake thereof alanguine or Mucrie colour. 

Tf pou will mingle a bright red with a beinht yellow, be i 
and grind chem together with glapze, pau hall haue thers | 8 SW 
of an Drang tawney. are, 

FF thou mingle red {ead and Walticot together, you Lion taney. 
hallhausthereofalpontawnep, — a | 

e e 3 . ee ’ ae 
‘erat The art of Limming, ae 
: ~ Yncamation: © HF chow will haue incarnation for vifares, 024 fetive 
Ee : coloute for Jmanes, fivit Lay on the white, € ciewe irwith 
“ "- germilion,op elfe take two parts of Cictinilion, andone of 
Cereule, and mingle themtonether, and fo laye it on thp 
ig worke, anpencw it ifchou wilt, when it is ope with roar 
. Germilion, « 
Peachcolour. Qifo ifpou will mingle Cermilton with Cereute,by vie 
cretion pou may make thereof a peach flower colour, . 
Skyecolour. Alfa by mingling Cermilion and azure together, by dif: 
cretion, pou may make thereof atkve colour. 


Blood red, St pou will make a blov ced, take ofthe vel Spnapour 
and fap it at the fides, with hoiwne,oz Cermilion,o2 with 

4 blacke. 
7 Sg FE you mingle good greene a Saitron toxether, by 
Se _ -ailcretion pou Hall bane thercofa periit Lpncelue greene, 
greene. Ff pou mingle Asure and Watticot together, pou Hall 

a hauethercola pertite Popiniay mreene, 
Motly greene. WF poumingle red with greeuc, pou tall make therok 

 aMotly tteene. 
E Mlackrefiae, Ifyou will make ablacke veure, take anv lap fick a 
.  champe ofliggt black, mingles with tabite lead, & fagner 

ae with good blacke, 

6 SE pou wttl miugte blacke witha Me ation of white, yout 
‘Marble or May Makethercofa Marble o2 av athe colsut at your dil 
athcolour:  Cretion, 

Sf pou wil mingle alittle portion of CH hite with a woos . 

Rufletorfad quantitic of rev,you may make cherota Ruflet.o2 a favve 
browne. -Brotwne,at pour difcretton, 

Thus by mingling.of colours, you titay make themtof - 

a fundey colours, and bp peaofe pou map come to the per- 
fite knowlenge how towiake thens ou the belt maunet, 




a . 

— ¥: -_ ; 4 . = 

* a, 


TheattofLimming, gy 

> CAotefurthermoye chat there is a certaine colouring 
then all other colours, Aun fo much che moze epretient ix 
_ thacis fet aboue ail colours. Andasthe vay beconmmech 
nroze light ane brtabter by che hinning of che funne,euce 
fo al colors that are bernithen do How forth a better glofle 
~~ prlufer, and become moze brighter by the hining of che 
fang, Anvit igmade in manner and forme following. 

~ To make a kind of coloring called Vernix, wherwith you 
"may yernith gold, filuer,or any other colour or pain- 
tings,be it vpon velim, paper,timber,ftone, 
Bia ,copper,glafle,&c. 

she Sengewint and bray it well betwire tino papers, 

thenput tt intoa viall, € poure bpon ic good Aquauite 
that it bee aboue the Bengewpne three ozfoure fingers, 
ann letit feepe fo a day oz tio, Chen put to tt fo2 halfea 
vialloffuch Aquautte, fiue o2 fire chiues of Sattron flen- 
berlp amped, Chis done, frapne it,¢ with a penftl Gers 
niththerwith any ching gilen, which will become bright 
and hining, dying it felfinmmedtatelp,¢ wil continue the 
brightnetle many peres. But tf you will sernith on tluer, 
then take the Atmon of Bengewin, that is to lap p white 
that is found inthe mindelt of Bengewpn, anvdrelle it 
with Aquauite inthe fozelapn maner,leauing out the fat 
fron, And the fayd vernih made with Bengewine anv As 
quauite only, ts berie good te vernifh all thinges, as well 
papnted as not patuten,fo2 tt maketh tables and coffers of. 
walnut tree, ¢ Debenp to glitter ifit be lapn bpon chert, 
and allother like thinges, ag wogkes of Fron, copper oz 
tinne, gilted o2 net gplted, for it maketh bainke, paefer- 
ueth,appeth the colour, and napeth incontinent wiehout 
7 eae — taking 




"whichis called Cernir that ts mioze nobleand exceltene 



The art of Limmiing, 

ve ‘ 

on *ehints anpe ou a2: filth, you maype mate it cicane with & 

finnen cloth, 02 with Lniping the wozke ai aiar caple, 
the which is better, 

«To makeVeriix another way! forthe paroles aforefaid, 

Cake tino ounce of parp-matfick and tampt it,epue it 

into alittle new pot,and fo inelt tt on @ fort fier, this bone, 
put coitome ounce ofthe opleofa Firre tree, anvlalette 

ict itkople alimoituctitng , fo2 vf tt bopte too niuche the 
gernif will be tooclammp, and roknow when it is bop= 

+ thet bople a little eurrinoge firring them together, but 

ied pnough,putinca tt a hens feather,and ifirourn by ane 

hy,tt ts a figne,that itis perfect, Che meake itfrom p Ger, 
and putitinto a fone pot,t keepe it weil froniout, anv 
when pou tilloccuppit, take fo much theref as wil ferue 
pour tirhe, and beste ito little at the fier, then (preanei¢. 
Don pour warke with a penfill as thin as pou tap ane it 
fyall haue aberp fapre gtofte oz lufier, and te EN ine 
sontineht if pou thal {et it inthe fonue. 

a To pial colours ofall Kinde of: niettals, ‘ti 

Tike abeave of Chrittalle2 a Paragon Kone anv beat 
echofthemt bp bimfelfe in a beafon mopter to fone pox: 
per, then grpnvethem depeche by himlelfe an apapre- 

tets fone vurill the poulperbee verpe fine and finally 

then erpude thentagapne onthe fame fone eche bp hint= 
felfe with gov glapze and tape fome one of chemon the — 
worke With apenoz a penfill, and whenit is well d2ped, . 

then rub it oucr with golve, o2 with any other mettal,ana 
pou hallhaue the fante colour chatthe mettal is of. 

~ Fe 


ah Theart of Limming, 1@ 
~ @Tomakeletters of the colour of Gold with: 
Sa ane 108 ae out Golde, 
; ; é 

Bke one ounce of Depiment, eone ounce offpnechey: — 

ftall, and beate ech of them by himlelfe to poulderina 
bralenmogcer. Chen grind thet wel cogether with glair 
~ -Bpon apapaters Kone, then it ts perfect to waite withall. 

To makeletters of the colour of filuer, with- 
out filuer, 

T Ake an ounce of Cinne » two ounces of quicktituer,”— x 
— and melt them together, annthen grinde chen well 
pypon a pagnters Kone wich gumme Water , and write 
MUO sa : 

Tomake white lettersin a black fielde, 

~Bkethe veolk of a newelapde egae, and erpnve it bp: _ 
ona papaters tone with fapze water, fo as pou map 
well Write with it outofa penne , andiwhen poubhaue fo ; 
Done, youmay withthe fame liquoz dpalw or write witha 

pengreat op fitrail ictters sponpaperop parchment, and | 

when they be Dope then wape pou with Jnke blacke ouer 
thetetters aud paper fo much as pou thal chink goov, And 
phen they blacke is through oye, then maye pou with a 

. White woollen cloth o2 a karfe rub off all the fapne letters 
‘written wich the peotke of the eae, ¢ then the letters wn- 
perneath will appesre all white, becaufethepwerepre- . 
feruen with the fapdliquoz : Se that pou Hall aue faire 
white letters ina back Geto, 

To make ftaunch grayn,or'a poulderto amend the 
parchment,and to receiue ynke, 

g2 Cake 

The att of Lymming. 

ake of rofen,ei.pact of Allunt,¢ beate ech of 

them by binfelfe in abzafen mogcer al to pouder;e put the 

fame poubers tomether ina fine linnen cloth, andtub pout 
yelins, parchmento2 paper therewith when pou begin to 
wtte,And toben the wetting is bap,pou map yub it ouer a+ 
gapne with a white woollen Cloth, and the letters will be 
newer the wogle,but moze faprer and dplalter te fee too. 

To renew old and worne letters, 

Gake of the beit galles pou can get tboule chen grofly 
then lap them in feepe one day in good white wine, Chis 
Done, dittill them With the wtne,e with the diftilled water 
p cometh of them, pou (hat wet handfomely the old leccers 
with alittle coctono2 a (inal pence, ethep will het freth 
€ new {ich wile, asyou may eaftly read them, 

q Totake ereace out of parchment or pa pte 
Cake theeps burres ¢ burne chem to pouver, € hp the 
fain pouder on both fides the parchinento2 paper between 
tiwoo paper boozds , and prefle them by the {pace of woo 
Dates 02 More, anvit will dgp and {oke out all the greare, 

To make redand greene {ealing wax, 

M Elta vi,of war € two ounces of cay ab 

ther, and when thep be well molten, take them from 
the fire, and put to them an ounce of Ucrimillion white it 
is luke warme, and ftirre tt weil comecher in the kecling, 
andthen make icbp inroules, andinlike manner thalt 
poutmake greene ware bp putting Uertareale into ic, 
Mote tf pou twill tivo parts of Rolin and one part of ture 
pentine, adding to it Vermilion, ag is atpetage it mas 
ketch the better war. ‘ 

The artof Limming. Ir 

A pretie deuife totake out the true forme and proportid of 
any letter, knot, Flower, Image.or other work, be it print- 
ted drawne with a penor penfil vpon paper or parch- 
ment, withoutrafing, blotting or hurting the 
right patterne or picture it feite, 

Take ople op other licours that make finoke and bhurne . 
them in alampe,then bolde ouer the lampe athect actean 
paper, and black as much of the fame lightipe as well rez 
ceaue the full propogtion of the topke that pou doe meane 

to take out,that done,lap the blackcn paper ouvert pback - 

~ {pveof the wozke, the blacked five bpiwarnd, laying a thin 
White paper betweene the worke and it:and with a {mall 
pentti made of hard tucod 02 of bone pou thal draw lightly 
- puertheletters, knot, 02 worke which pou defire to take 
out,melling it fottlp. Chus voing pou thall fee the verie 
fourine and propogtion of the fame work remaining on p 
thix white paper, Chen witha finall pen and puke, pou 
*- map trace € Draw ouer the wopke remaining on the white 
“paper, that done,the pnke willet out the berp print ¢ oe 
-pEthe woke (asfarre as pou touchen the fame with pout 
penfil)in euerp propogtion. ou map allo fo pfamepure - 
pofe(ifneede be) black ouer pour paper withthelep of & 
candle 02 of alinke, og ofa new tozche 02 (uch ithe whiche 
is berp ready Wap and perfect, 

Another pretie deuife to take out the true form and pro= 
portion ofany Flower,Image,or fuch like. 

3 T Ake acteane and thinne fanterne foxne ; anv faye it 
— pppon thetetter, Wmage, opother workethat thors. 
wilt cake out,and it will appeare through the hogne, fo as - 
thou mapife prawe wa {mall penne vppon the boise, 
& 3 as 

The art of Limming, 

~ allthe proportion ofthe mogke at thyne otune plealure,e: 

uenas thoulit . Ano when chou bat ppawne it allout, 

~— thentecie nape bpon rhe hogne inthe funne,andinbenttis ~~ 
through o2ve,then breath vpon tt cantce 02 thrice, and chen 

{ap it powne bpen thy booke, And then prefle it down, (che 
Letters being ncetthe paper with alinnen cloch , and the 
fame letters 02 worke thal remaine opon the paper which 
thou didtt daw bpon the hogne, then draw it faire anapyne 
with black puke. \ 

E Were haue J caughe you(beltees che tempering of goty, 
of fuer,and of colours)diuers chinges verte mecte, enes 
ceflarie tebe knownto painters and {criueners.Gnd now 
will J ceherle batefip all chat J haue wztcten beloze tou: 

ching liming. srirte opaw thy wogke witha penfiilof 

blacke leade, and then with penandpnke, Chen lap chp 
{ples for thy molve and filuer, Chen ingrofle chem auth a 
harpeknife, chen weat thent oucr ligbtlye with chy pens 
fill, then being dzpe burni it with a tooth. Then weat 
thy Cse agapne lightly,then touch thy gots andlay chere= 
on, Chenprelle it lightly with an hairestaple, thenletic 
D2y,then burnith it with acooth, then rub it with a white 

woollen cloth o2 an baires foote bueill all gooff, but that’ 

which cleaucth vute the fyse. Chen lap the coiours: Firkk 
thy talle colours anv after che fav, then purfle them about 
the fives with black inke, then map thou diaper themtos 
ter With white colour if thou wilt, then veruth chem 
eucr with good old ciayzre, and then hak 
thou bone all that betongethto 
limming. Finithea 
Anno Dont, 
i 57 30 : 


and other thinges as are mentioned and conteyned in 
this prefent Booke of Limming,and are for the 
moft parc to be fold at the Poticaries, 

“Gold foile’ — Booll Armonike Milke of greene 
* Siluer foyle, “Gumme Arabik. figges. 

Shell Geld, Galles. ~ Milke of {purge, 
Shellfiluer, © Greene coperas, Milke of wart- 
Azure, ~ Romaynyitrioll.  weede, 

Byze, ~ Rozen, © Milk of Salendine. 
Indebaudias, Allum, © Juice of Garlike and 
Smaltflorey, Wax, ~ of Onion heads, 
Orpiment. | Honney, Tuice of rue, ; 
Mafticot, Turpentine, Tuice of red Nettle. 
Vermilion, Quickfiluer, .. Scraped cheefe, 

~ Turnefoll, Tinne, =.  Whitewine, — 

Role, Poégarnarde pilz, White Vinegery - 
Braall, Chriftall ftonee Vergis, 

Sinopourlake, Paragon ftone; | Childs piffe, ” 
- Sinopourtopias, Chalke, = = Lye, > 

Red lead. Allablafter, Oyles and liquors Th 
Black lead. Plaifter ofanold thatmakef{moke,  _ 
BrownofSpayn, image, » Glouersfhreds, and 

Okarde Luke, Voaflectlyme, — thredsof new. 
CreeneByze. Pouderof whyte parchment, § 

Vertgreale, bones, Water and greafe of , 
Saffron, _ Pouder of fhepes Snailes,;Glue 
VennisCerius, — burres, Be 

Whitelead.  Neatesgall.  Aquauite, 

Fume black, Whites of egges. Bengewyne, : 
Black inke. Yeolks of egges, Oyle of Lynfeed.. 
Harts horn, Gip- eb milke,  Oyle of Walnuts,” 
fun, Ewesmilke,  Bayfal, 

fy, ie TBS fre ae > tee hw ee ee pera St Eee 

ef table of fuch thinges as bees con- 

~ taynedi in. this pacien booke. 

A ie oprer of Drawingos snk Desp, 
} tracing, foll.2, To mabe @ Fuse blacke alles ase 
s Comake a qromt:) oz a- ble. 
h ifeto lay golo 02 Glucr oe make ait excellent bla the whe bel ; 
vpor, ead. zs 
To make Cpfes other to mate a blacke colour 02 an Guke . 
= mannerofwates. eod. of a good petiection, whennieh you ma 
Tolaye fhe on Letters 62 bpon otbes watts with apenite ozpenGll. eades:, | 
thinges. eodem, The mannee howe ta diaper or flop 
to tay gold or Situcr on fpfe, 3 with a penGill ouce old Siluet og co- 
ios mae guite Water Cotcmper colours Louts. yee, 
withall. eosem, The waves Vowte make fumpy kindg 
Zo make giayre for thelthepurpole. of colourea by tempering and. ite, 
codem, of colouva together, 
Tokcepe whites cegges as longe as To make a byud of colour cation oer 
fou mill without cortuptingos putting, 
~ pfarfenich onto them. code. To make coloute of paabast ah mets 
To temper gold o,Gluetr wherewitl you tals, 
tay orig witha penue oppapnt witha To make Letters of the coloue ot of : 
pentit, 4 gold without ald. 
To tempes azuite 2 IBise. ‘£0d. To mate Letters of the colour oti 
Dow to make aztive og byscfaderEglad: net without iluct. 
porte tyep be of light cOlONe, eobems. TD etsy white Letters in a blacie 

Totemper Indevaudiass ead, e + coder. 
To temper (male. god. To make Fatinche graye o: a pouls . 
Totemper Orptescnl of LGattich 028 det to amend the Darchment, Lines te 
yellow. © .& ; 5 teceine Znke, eodesti, 
Totemperswerrmilion. - cod. To venewe old arp woane Letters. 
- TotemperT urnefoli, eodertt ~- eodertt. 
Ta tempet good Kolet. eon To take. greafe out of patehmente and.” 
Co tensper Spall whseewith to white paper. eodests 
florify andtulcbookes, eod. To make reode 0} gteene fealing wate 
Totemper govd Syuapour.  @0D, codes. 
Totemperredlead. © : 64 pretie nenife toa take oute the true 
Totemperblackicad. > end. fozme and propoztion of anpe Letter, ° 
TotemperbrowneofSpapyne, epd. Rnotte, Slower , Image, of sther. 
TotempetOkerbeLue, = cod. wozke, bee itprinted , Dpatwne with a 
Totempetgreene Wyse. eodem peu 02 penfill bppon paper, of patch: | 
Totempet Wertgreaiecallea Spanithe mente without tacing, blotting ’o; yur~ 
ee codes, ting the viahte » see ca aa be 
otemperlatron, . eonentts {elfe. 
To temper Doig Cering and whpte 



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